Tia Foukas, DNP, NP-C
Nurse Practitioner located in Mesa, AZ
About Tia
Tia holds a Doctorate degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She specializes in management of various pelvic floor disorders and in advanced testing such as urodynamics, anal manometry, and ultrasound. She provides patients with treatment options including pessary management, pharmacotherapy, dietary management, and behavioral modification. Tia specializes in painful bladder syndrome and other pelvic pain disorders.

Tia holds a Doctorate degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She specializes in management of various pelvic floor disorders and in advanced testing such as urodynamics, anal manometry, and ultrasound. She provides patients with treatment options including pessary management, pharmacotherapy, dietary management, and behavioral modification. Tia specializes in painful bladder syndrome and other pelvic pain disorders.